What's New Here?

New Year's Eve in Stockholm 2012

Posted by zlatin

(EDIT: This is from 2012, new info about New Years in Stockholm can be found by clicking here!) Christmas is finally over... and New Years is just around the corner! If you are visiting the city this

David LaChapelle Exhibit at Fotografiska

Posted by zlatin

Christmas is over and it is time to look forward to New Years and fun things to do in 2013!Courtney Love with religious symbolism! On Christmas Day, a friend and I went to Fotografiska (the phot

Merry Christmas!

Posted by zlatin

From myself and the rest of the Rival Hotel staff... we would like to wish everyone a wonderful, safe and magical Christmas! It's been a great holiday season here in Stockholm with markets, Lucia, de

Church Services During the Holidays 2012/13

Posted by zlatin

(EDIT: blog from 2012, for current dates and times... click here!) There are many churches offering services in several languages during the holiday season. The main denominations are Church of Swede

Shopping During the Holidays 2012/13

Posted by zlatin

NK, photo by Jeppe Wikström, Stockholms Visitors Board(EDIT: click here for information for 2013-14!) I just posted a list for which days major museums close during the holidays. Another popular acti

Museums During the Holidays 2012/13

Posted by zlatin

(EDIT: Click here for the list of museums for 2014-2015!) If you are coming to Stockholm during the holidays and want to get a little cultural, you don't have to worry... there is always at least one

Ski Slope in Stockholm is Open!

Posted by zlatin

SkiStar HammarbybackenA very cold and snowy December means that the Hammarby Backen ski slope is open for business much earlier than in previous years! It officially opened on December 13th. Does Ham

Restaurant Kryp In

Posted by zlatin

Kryp In is a great restaurant, located in Gamla Stan, serving modern Swedish cuisine. I really can't recommend this restaurant enough... it is one of my favorite restaurants to visit and to send

Snowy Stockholm

Posted by zlatin

Off for the weekend! But I thought that I would leave you with some pictures I took this week of a snow covered Stockholm. The city is especially beautiful all covered in white. The weather is suppos

Ginger Bread House Competition at Architecture Museum

Posted by zlatin

While visiting Moderna Museet yesterday (see blog entry below), I stopped by the Architecture Museum (Arkitekturmuseet) to see their exhibition on ginger bread houses. You see, both museums have the

Upcoming Exhibitions at Moderna (modern art museum)

Posted by zlatin

I was invited this morning to a press breakfast at Stockholm's modern art museum, Moderna, where they introduced the coming exhibitions for the first half of 2013. Besides the art and information, it

Winter Warning!

Posted by zlatin

In front of the Rival Hotel Well, our winter weather is continuing! We have had a major snow storm today with 3 decimeters of snow which has caused the city to come to a standstill. Many flights

Christmas Market in Gamla Stan

Posted by zlatin

I have already written an overview of Christmas in Stockholm, where I mentioned the Christmas market in Gamla Stan (the Old Town). But as I visited the market on Sunday, I thought I would post some p

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