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Countdown to Christmas- Part 2!

Posted by zlatin

The royal palace lit up under a wintery sky.Last weekend I wrote about the first Christmassy happenings in Stockholm... but this weekend (Nov 29th to Dec 1st) is the official start of the holiday sea

Ice Skating Rink at Kungsträdgården is Open for the Season!

Posted by zlatin

This weekend we are expecting subzero (Celsius) temperatures which means that it is cold enough for the popular outdoor ice skating rink in Kungsträdgården to open for business. A sure sign that wint

Dickens "A Christmas Carol" (Theatre in English!)

Posted by zlatin

Photo by Johan LygrellForeign visitors often ask me about theatre and shows in Stockholm and they are generally disappointed (and often surprised) when I explain that the vast majority of theatr

Countdown to Christmas in Stockholm...

Posted by zlatin

Photo by Henrik Trygg, Stockholm Visitors BoardThis Sunday, November 17th, the Christmas season starts with the traditional skyltsöndag (literally "sign Sunday" though sign refers to window displays)

Pitcher's Sports Bar & Restaurant

Posted by zlatin

Last week I was at the premiere of a new restaurant, called Pitcher's, which opened up next door to the Rival Hotel. Welcome to the neighbourhood! This is a combination restaurant, pub and sports bar

Stockholm International Film Festival (2013)

Posted by zlatin

Today (November 6th) is the first day of the 24th annual Stockholm International Film Festival... 12 days of cinematic delights, awards and red carpet events. It really is too much to list out h

Christmas Markets in Stockholm 2013

Posted by zlatin

Yup... it's that time of the year! Well, almost. It is less than three weeks until the first Christmas market opens for business, so I thought it would be appropriate to post a guide of the different

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