Löjrom- Golden Caviar from Kalix

Posted by zlatin on

It's September, which means that the löjrom season has started! Löjrom is the eggs (roe) of the common bleak, a small freshwater fish.This popular Swedish delicacy can be eaten year-round, but they are harvested in September making this month the optimal time to try it. The area around Kalix in northern Sweden is considered the best fishing waters for the common bleak (Kalixlöjrom).

In celebration of the start of the season, the restaurant Riche is having a Löjrom Festival (September 20th to 23rd). Two guest chefs, Anders Lundberg and Håkan Thor, will be creating 4 starters, 4 main courses and 4 desserts drawing on inspiration from the county of Jämtland... and, of course, löjrom will be the starring attraction. So this is a perfect opportunity to sample this delicacy, whether by itself or incorporated in other dishes, as well as other great Swedish produce.
If you don't want to head all the way downtown, you can also dine on löjrom here at the Rival Hotel's Bistro. My favorite way to eat löjrom is the way we serve it... with butter fried toast, finely diced red onion, creme fraiche and a wedge of lemon. A classic! Earlier musings about löjrom.

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