Stockholm Jazz Festival 2012

Posted by zlatin on

Photo by Yanan Li, Stockholm Visitors Board
For many years, the Stockholm Jazz Festival has been a popular outdoor event during the summertime... bringing thousands of jazz fans to the city. Many moons ago, I actually had the privilege of seeing Ella Fitzgerald perform! This year the powers-that-be have decided to move the festival to the Autumn as well as indoors (October 1st through 7th). Not sure if they just got tired of fighting the weather gods in June. Instead of having all of the performances in one venue (as before), they are split up between several venues... mainly Konserthuset (the Concert House), Kulturhuset (the Culture House) and the jazz club Fasching, though smaller performances will be happening at around 10 other venues throughout the city (map). All in all, there will be 60 concerts in 7 days. I truly hope this new set-up will be successful, though I have to admit I do find it a bit confusing and I miss being able to buy one festival pass for all of the concerts (now one has to buy individual tickets for each show). We'll see! At any rate, if you happen to love jazz and are visiting Stockholm this week... you are in luck. Tickets can be purchased online through their website (linked above) or, when available, at the different venues. Unfortunately, the English webpage isn't too informative. If you need further information and tickets, stop by Kulturhuset or the Tourist Information Center. If you are staying at the Rival Hotel, you can contact me for more information!

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