What's New Here?

Restaurant Taverna Brillo

Posted by zlatin

And my adventure in new restaurants in Stockholm continues! This time I visited Taverna Brillo with a few friends. Taverna Brillo is part of a restaurant conglomerate that includes old favorites Stur

New Commuter Train from Arlanda Airport

Posted by zlatin

Photo by Lars Näslund, SLI have been waiting a bit to write about this... until I got a chance to visit Arlanda and check it out myself. There are many ways to get from Arlanda Airport to downtown St

Restaurant Farang

Posted by zlatin

Yes, yes, yes...! Those were my thoughts after visiting the newly opened restaurant Farang this week. I had been getting favorable reports sent from friends who had dined there, so I was cu

Restaurant Nosh & Chow

Posted by zlatin

Hold on to your hats, I have been out trying new restaurants (lots of new restaurants have recently opened, or will soon)... and first out is Nosh & Chow. This restaurant opened in January and is

Royal Palace Sprint (Skiing in Gamla Stan)

Posted by zlatin

Photo by Henrik Trygg, Stockholm Visitors BoardOne of world's most unique sporting events takes place in Stockholm tomorrow (Wednesday, March 20th)... the Royal Palace Sprint! This is a cross country

Royal Funeral Today

Posted by zlatin

This is mainly to inform visitors about what will be going on in Stockholm today in regards to the funeral for Her Royal Highness Princess Lilian. In case you are curious about the woman, visiting di

Michelin Guide Restaurants- Stockholm 2013

Posted by zlatin

(EDIT: This is the list for 2013, for the current Michelin Guide... click here!)Last year, the announcement of which restaurants received stars in the international Michelin Guide was anticlimactic a

Easter in Stockholm- 2013

Posted by zlatin

Photo by Marie Andersson, Skansen(EDIT: This article is from 2013, for this year's info... click here!) This year Easter falls on the last weekend of March. As a visitor to Stockholm, here are some p

Restaurant News in Stockholm This Spring

Posted by zlatin

And speaking of restaurants... lots of new restaurants as well as other changes this season. I thought I would collect them here in one post. I will be visiting several in the upcoming weeks (tables

White Guide- Stockholm's Best Restaurants 2013

Posted by zlatin

Congratulations to Esperanto!(EDIT: This is the guide from 2013, for the current guide... click here!)'Tis the season... restaurant awards are announced and guides are released. I recently reported o

Exhibitions in Stockholm This Spring 2013

Posted by zlatin

Robert-Antoine Pinchon, La Seine à Rouen au crépuscule, 1905© Collection Peindre en NormandieIt seems that in the past few weeks I have delivered negative news when it comes to museums in Stockholm..

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