Exhibitions in Stockholm This Spring 2013

Posted by zlatin on

Robert-Antoine Pinchon, La Seine à Rouen au crépuscule, 1905
© Collection Peindre en Normandie
It seems that in the past few weeks I have delivered negative news when it comes to museums in Stockholm... with the National Museum closing for four years for renovations, the Vasa Museum closing for a few weeks for expansion and the end of some great exhibitions. Let's turn this around and talk about what IS showing at different museums and art galleries this Spring season (lots of fun stuff)!

  • Moderna (modern art museum)- I have already reported about the opening of their Hilma af Klint exhibit, but there are a few other noteworthy exhibitions there this season. For example, the Le Corbusier exhibit which runs until April 18th and The Surrealism & Duchamp exhibit which opens on March 26th and runs the whole year out. More to look forward to... Pop Art Design (June 29th to Sep 22nd). See picture below.
  • Fotografiska (photography museum)- we are sad to see the LaChapelle exhibit coming to an end, but I am definitely looking forward to The Man, The Image & The World, a retrospective of the work of the great Henri Cartier-Bresson (March 8th to May 26th). There is no news about what their summer exhibition will be... which makes me very curious! (EDIT: And it has just been announced... their big summer exhibition will be Helmut Newton! Starting May 29th... can't wait!)
  • Millesgården (statuary and art museum)- they have a great ongoing exhibition that I am eager to visit... Painters in Normandy, Wonderful Impressionists (until May 26th). See picture at top.
  • Thielska Gallery (art museum)- another exciting, ongoing exhibition... Munch (until May 12th). In honour of Norwegian artist Edvard Munch's 150th birthday. Famous for being the man who painted The Scream, this exhibition shows much more of the artist and why he is one of Scandinavian's greatest. 
  • Liljevalchs (art museum)- their ongoing exhibition is their Spring Salon (until March 24th). I know that a lot of visitors are interested in Swedish interior design, so their summer exhibition is of particular interest: Home Sweet Home - Furnished Tales (June 27th to Sep 15th).
  • Waldemarsudde (art museum)- it's all about fashion this Spring with We Were Wrong, fashion photography by Carl Johan de Geer (until April 28th) and Fashion During the Time of Prince Eugen (until May 19th).
  • Hallwylska (palace/museum)- after their popular exhibit last season of the clothes from Downtown Abbey, they just opened an exhibit of under garments from the tun of the last century called "Under the Surface (Under Ytan)". Runs until June 9th.
  • Museum of Far East Antiquities (Östasiatiska, east asian art & history museum)- good news... their exhibit Secret Love, which I really enjoyed, can still be seen until March 31st. 
See... lots of great art news! And in May there is even more great news: The Vasa Museum reopens on May 1st and ABBA the Museum opens for business on May 7th. Can't wait! There are, of course, plenty of other museums (the city has over 80) and art galleries. If you are staying at the Rival Hotel and are interested in what is going on in smaller art galleries... contact me directly at the hotel.
Tom Wesselmann
Smoker Banner, 1971
© © The Estate of Tom Wesselmann/BUS 2013

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