Festivals & Events in Stockholm- Spring Summer 2013

Posted by zlatin on

(EDIT: Be aware that this is the 2013 calendar. for this year... click here!) Not a cloud in sight for the past couple of weeks and just about all of the snow has melted away. This means it is time to look forward and see what the warmer months of the year have in store for us. This is a calendar of big events and festivals in Stockholm- things that tend to draw a lot of visitors to the city. Lots of big concerts this year thanks, in part, to the new Friends Arena. Hopefully this calendar will help you plan your trip! I will be constantly adding events as I find them, so check back from time to time. I will also be writing more in depth about many of these events as the dates approach. Of course, if you are staying at the Rival Hotel and need more detailed information of what is going on in Stockholm during your visit... contact me directly!


July (generally a slower month, event-wise, because many Swedes have vacation and leave the city.
  • July 30th to August 3rd- Stockholm Gay Pride Festival. Parade through the city on Saturday!
  • 2nd to 4th- Music & Arts Festival. Several artists, including... Prince!
  • 13th to 18th- The Stockholm Culture Festival. Free, free, free! Everything "cultural".
  • 13th to 17th- Ung08 (youth festival- also free!).
  • 15th- Leonard Cohen at Globe Arenas.
  • 17th- Midnattsloppet. Late evening 10K run around the island of Södermalm. Festival atmosphere!
  • 18th- DN outdoor concert with the Royal Philharmonic in Gärdet.
  • 22nd- DN Galan. International track & field meet at Stadion.
  • 23rd- The amusement park Gröna Lund turns 130 years old!
  • 23rd to 30th- Baltic Sea Music Festival.
  • 24th- Opening part for the new Tele2 Arena with Robyn, Kent and Lars Winnerbäck.
  • 24th & 25th- Stockholm Triathlon.

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