A Taste of Stockholm & The National Holiday

Posted by zlatin on

There are so many things happening this week that I am killing two birds with one stone in this post...

Smaka på Stockholm, photo by Peter Backman
The first festival of the summer starts today and runs through Sunday, June 9th: A Taste of Stockholm (Smaka På Stockholm). This is one of my favorite festivals... especially if the weather cooperates! The festival takes place in the park Kungsträdgården and features 20 different local restaurants, representing a wide variety of cuisines: Swedish, Mexican, Vietmanese, Chinese, South American, Spanish and more. Besides the restaurants, there will be several bar tents to keep you hydrated as well as live music to keep you entertained! The festival is open each day from 11am to 11:30pm except on Sunday when they close at 10pm. This is a great chance have an inexpensive meal, do some people watching and listen to some good music.
Smaka på Stockholm, photo by Peter Backman
Tomorrow, Thursday June 6th, is the national holiday in Sweden (Nationaldagen). This is a bank holiday... which means that banks, liquor stores and smaller boutiques will be closed. This shouldn't be too noticeable for visitors as museums, restaurants (for the most part) and sightseeing tours will run as normal. If you want to celebrate the holiday (or watch Swedes celebrate), head to Skansen which is located on the island of Djurgården. There will be plenty of activities, flag waving and entertainment! Another great choice is to visit the Royal Palace where they are having an "open palace" (as oppsed to open house)... plenty of free activities and events all day long ending with the royal family's departure for Skansen in horse and carriage at 5:55pm. If you are staying at the Rival Hotel, contact me for further information about these two events/festivals. Happy Sweden Day!

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