Stockholm Furniture and Light Fairs

Posted by zlatin on

Twelve - Established Nordic Designers
Photo by: Gustav Karlsson Frost, Stockholmsmässan
Almost everyone has heard the terms Swedish Design, Nordic Design or Scandinavian Design, and the terms usually bring to mind clean lines, minimalism, natural products and functionality. Design Week, here in Stockholm, is winding down... the city has been filled with different showings, fairs and shows for people working in the design (furniture, lighting, interior design, fashion) industry. But we (the riffraff who don't work in the industry) have our chance to view all of the latest items in the world of Scandinavian Design tomorrow, Saturday, February 8th, when the Stockholm Furniture and Nordic Light fairs open their doors for the general public.
Lighting trend 14/15 - Natural Elements
Photo by: Gustav Karlsson Frost, Stockholmsmässan
 This is basically two fairs in one... lighting & furniture with interior design elements. The fairs are located at Stockholmsmässan (Stockholm International Fairs and Congress Centre) out in the southern suburb of Älvsjö. I recently blogged about Stockholmsmässan and you can read more there about how to get to the fairgrounds from the Rival Hotel (easy!) plus other practical information. The general public is welcome between 11am and 3:45pm and admission costs 140 SEK. Come and get inspired to do "scandi" redecorating when you go back home!

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