Festivals & Events in Stockholm- Spring Summer Fall 2014

Posted by zlatin on

Photo by Jeppe Wikström, Stockholm Visitors Board.
Please keep in mind that this calendar is a work in progress... I will be adding new events as they are announced or I stumble upon them. Summer is a busy time in Stockholm with lots of different festivals, happenings, concerts and sporting events. I have added some happenings in April, May & September as well. Hopefully this calendar will help you plan your trip. Not all events are listed! I try to list events that the average Rival Hotel international guest would find of interest... but if you will be staying at the hotel and are interested in other, perhaps more obscure events, contact me and I will see what I can find! While some events that are going on while you are here might not be of interest to you personally, it is smart to keep in mind that the event might still affect your visit (lots of people in the city, bank holidays, traffic problems, etc;). The Stockholm Marathon is a good example of this. As I write this, a few of the festival websites aren't up and running yet or haven't been adjusted for 2014.


  • 12-13th- Medieval Market in Kungsträdgården.
  • 17th-21st- Easter holiday. Keep in mind that both Friday and Monday are bank holidays in Sweden.
  • 22nd- Street Food fair in Kungsträdgården.
  • 26th- Stockholm Culture Night. Over 300 free events throughout the city.
  • 26th- Season premiere for the amusement park Gröna Lund (weekends only in the beginning).
  • 26th- Cherry Blossoms Day in Kungsträdgården.
  • 30th- Walpurgis Eve (Valborgmässoafton) is celebrated throughout the city with bonfires. Skansen is a good place to go this evening.
Photo: Peter Backman, Smaka på Stockholm (Taste of Stockholm)

July (generally a slower month, event-wise, because many Swedes have vacation and leave the city)
December- I will be doing special articles about all of the Christmas and New Year events in the city, but here are some other dates to keep an eye on.
Click here for December dates om importance as well as here for Christmas markets dates. 
Stockholm Marathon. Photo: Martin Ekequist

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