Nils Dardel Exhibition at Moderna

Posted by zlatin on

I had the pleasure of being invited yesterday to the press showing of Moderna Museet's (modern art museum) main summer exhibition: Nils Dardel and the Modern Age (May 29th to September 14th).
"Death of a Dandy"
Nils Dardel is one of Sweden's most beloved artists and this is the largest exhibition of his work in Sweden since the 1980's. Dardel has been described at times as a modernist and/or a post-impressionist... but it is really hard to put Dardel in to a specific art classification as he dabbled in many styles of painting/drawing.
This is very evident in the exhibition, which contains around 100 pieces of artwork. Strolling through the exhibition, it feels almost like the work of several different artists are on display. At times the work seems to represent national romanticism, impressionism, surrealism, cubism or post-impressionism. Sometimes even as a mix between two styles. The curator, John Peter Nilsson, describes Dardel as a man of contrasts.
Self Portrait
Dardel also took inspiration from his journeys... especially France, Japan, the US and Mexico. This wide range of influences also creates contrasts in his works of art. The artist's personal life is almost legendary in Sweden. Many Swedes today think of Dardel as a well-heeeled dandy, moving in high society circles. But he was also a family man and both sides of his life are seen in this exhibition.
Definitely an exhibition worth visiting this summer. There will be other smaller exhibitions going on as well as their permanent collection. Next door to the museum is the Center for Architecture and Design and it is possible to purchase combination tickets for both the museum and the center.
Another self portrait
Moderna is located on the island of Skeppsholmen and is relatively simple to get to from the Rival Hotel... either by taking the Djurgårds Ferry (telling them that you wish to disembark at Skeppsholmen) or else there is a bridge connecting the island to the mainland at Blasieholmen. Moderna has a great gift shop and café, both of which I think are well worth a visit when at the museum! Closed on Mondays. Keep checking back to my blog... next week I will list the summer exhibitions at different museums and art galleries in Stockholm.
"The Angler"

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