Swimming at Stockholm Beaches... a Good Way to Cool Off!

Posted by zlatin on

Swimming in the archipelago! Photo by Henrik Trygg, Stockholms Visitors Board.
Way back in 2010, I wrote a blog article about beaches and pools in Stockholm. As temperatures are expected to hit 30 Celsius (86 Fahrenheit) next week, I thought that it would be a good idea to write an updated article.
Swimming at Hornsberg Strand.
One perhaps doesn't think of beaches when visiting Stockholm or swimming in the middle of a major metropolitan area in general. But it is actually possible (with many options), safe (clean water) and popular (with locals and visitors alike)! The choices are many... whether you wish for a traditional family-friendly beach or a more secluded cove with cliffs for diving. There are several options within the city as well as many outside of the city, though still easy to get to.
Swimming off Långholmen. Photo by Jeppe Wikström, Stockholm Visitors Board.
Two of the most popular beaches in the city are Smedsuddsbadet and Långholmens Bad and they actually face each other across the water with the former located on the southern coast of the island of Kungsholmen and the latter located on the northern coast of Långholmen island. These are both very family friendly with sandy beaches and can get quite crowded on sunny weekends. Långholmen has also a few more secluded spots for bathing a short walk from the main beach. No sand beaches, but rocky outcrops perfect for diving/jumping in to cool off!
Family friendly Saltsjöbaden.
Sunbathing on rocky cliffs is very popular with the younger crowd... good way to escape the masses and small children. One of the best places for this is the cliffs of Fredhäll on Kungsholmen (a personal favorite). Nearby you will also find the newly built waterfront promenade at Hornsberg Strand where they have put in ladders and terraces making swimming easy. You will also find showers as well as bars & restaurants. Purely local! There are several lakes around Stockholm with their own beaches... two popular places are Hellasgården and Brunnsviken (in Haga Park).
A swim at night. Photo by Henrik Trygg, Stockholm Visitors Board 
Finally, you can head a bit out of the city to swim and sunbathe. The options are endless out in the archipelago... you really just have to decide how far out you wish to travel. Some of the more popular options are Fjäderholmarna, Grinda and Saltsjöbaden. But really the choices are endless! Basically if the sun is shining, and one can safely get to the water, you have an option. If you are staying at the Rival Hotel, come talk to me and I can point you in the right direction to find the beach perfect for you. For further reading... click here, herehere or here

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