Top Reasons Why I Love To Travel
Posted by zlatin
Thinking about taking a trip? Why do you travel? Traveling is my way of connecting myself with the world. I love exploring new places that are rich with history and new experiences.
I have done some traveling but not nearly enough. The list of places that I would like to see is extensive. Do you have a list of places that you would like to see? One of my more lofty travel goals is to visit every National Park in the continental United States.
I have done some traveling but not nearly enough. The list of places that I would like to see is extensive. Do you have a list of places that you would like to see? One of my more lofty travel goals is to visit every National Park in the continental United States.
One of the National Parks that I have been lucky enough to visit is the Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. What a beautiful place! You can watch all of the TV shows about the Grand Canyon and read all of the books about the Grand Canyon before you arrive but it does not prepare you for the splendor that is laid out before your eyes. The Grand Canyon is truly something that you have to see firsthand in order to understand the magnificence of the Park.
I have also been fortunate enough to travel to the beautiful island of Oahu in the great State of Hawaii. Stunning beaches, perfect weather, and a beautiful resort made that trip to Hawaii one of my fondest memories. That is a great feature of travel - once you have a memory of a place in your mind, you will always have that memory with you. You can lose possessions and fancy trinkets but your memories are yours forever.
Do you remember what you did last Wednesday? I know that I don't. But if you asked me about my trip to Hawaii I can go into great detail about what I did and who I was with even though that trip was many years ago. Travel has enriched my life in so many ways. Do you recall any trips that you have been on - I'm sure you do.
Traveling doesn't have to be outrageously expensive either. Sometimes it's enough just to go 50 miles away from where you live and experience something you haven't seen before. Is there a park or historic site or something else of interest fairly close to you that you have never made time for? This coming weekend might be a great time for a little travel of your own.
When time and money permit, I love to go on long extended vacations that take me to places that are very different from my every day world. For example, I live in an urban setting so I love to see places that are not covered in high-rise buildings and asphalt. Traveling to see snow-covered mountains where you can look for miles and miles without seeing so much as a single house is appealing to me.
On the flip side, if you live in the country, you might want to visit an urban center such as New York City and marvel at the hustle and bustle of mega-city life. Traveling makes this all possible.
Imagine if none of us traveled at all? Our worlds would be so small if the farmer never saw a city, or an inner-city dweller never saw the coastline or the Great Plains. I plan on doing much more travel. Enlarge your world - pick a place and start planning your trip!
Tagged as: travel

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