Best Restaurants Awarded in the White Guide 2015

Posted by zlatin on

White Guide 2015
Hot on the heels of the Michelin Guide comes the White Guide. One big difference between the two is the fact that the White Guide is a guide for all of Sweden, by Swedes. This guide also looks at all different categories of restaurants and not just the most exclusive. While the White Guide for Sweden still is only in Swedish, they recently released a White Guide Nordic which is in English and for all the Nordic countries. But on to this White Guide. While many restaurants from other parts of Sweden did very well this year (including Best Restaurant to Fäviken Magasinet), for our purposes let's look at how Stockholm restaurants fared at the top of the lists in 2015...

Best Dining Experience of the Year: Gastrologik
Best Wine Experience of the Year: Operakällaren
Rising Star of the Year (awarded to young chefs with great potential): Lina Ahlin Olofsson at Frantzén.

The gang behind Gastrologik. Photo by Marcus Möller.
Stockholm restaurants that made the list of Swedish restaurants with the highest rating of International Master Class (number in parenthesis is their position on the list of Swedish restaurants):

Stockholm restaurants that made the list of Swedish restaurants with the rating of Master Class (number in parenthesis is their position on the list):
Click here for past guides and lists! 

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