Vasa Museum... Closing for Renovations!

Posted by zlatin on

Photo by Staffan Eliasson, Stockholm Visitors Board
EDIT- The Vasa Museum has reopened... click here to read my report!
I recently reported that the National Museum has closed for renovations. Now it is the world famous Vasa Museum which is closing for renovations. The good news is that the Vasa is just closing for a few weeks (March 18th through April 30th), not 4 years like the National Museum! Of course this is still bad news if you are coming to Stockholm during the weeks that the Vasa will be closed.
The museum, built around the royal warship Vasa (which sank in 1628 and was salvaged in 1961), has become Stockholm's #1 tourist draw. When the museum was originally built, it was designed for 600,000 visitors per year. These days it welcomes 1.2 million visitors a year... so it is not so strange that they need to renovate and expand the museum. On May 1st the museum will reopen for the public, just in time for the busy summer season!
Another bit of museum news... only a few days left of the fantastic David LaChapelle exhibit at Fotografiska. Last day is March 3rd! There will be some new exciting exhibitions there after LaChapelle, including Henri Cartier-Bresson.

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