Fall Art Exhibitions at Museums & Major Galleries

Posted by zlatin on

The weather is getting cooler and there is a crispness in the air. Perfect weather for visiting an art museum or gallery when in Stockholm. Lots of different options to choose from! Something for everyone, as the saying goes...

At Moderna- Jeff Koons
Michael Jackson and Bubbles, 1988. Porslin 106,7 x 179,1 x 82,6 cm Astrup Fearnley Samlingen, Oslo, Norge © Jeff Koons 
These are just the highlights at the major art museums and galleries. Keep in mind that there may be other exhibitions going on at these venues that I haven't mentioned. Check by visiting the venue's website (all linked above). There are also many smaller galleries in the city. If you are staying at the Rival Hotel, check directly with me for information about exhibits at the smaller galleries. I will definitely be visiting Moderna, Fotografiska, Millesgården and Waldemarsudde in the coming months... so check back for my reports!
At Sven-Harry's: Estrid Ericson's precious possesions.
Photo by:Lennart Nilsson/Svenskt Tenn 

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