Three Festivals Dedicated to Food & Drink This Weekend!
Posted by zlatin
Source: Stockolms Öl & Vin AB. Photo: Örs Gubas |
If you are coming to Stockholm this weekend and are interested in fine dining and/or alcoholic beverages... you are in luck! We have three festivals going on in the city that are dedicated to just these very subjects. First out we have two festivals in one...
Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival and
The Taste Experience. The latter festival is for wine, champagne, rum, cognac and tequila. Both festivals are are from the 26th through 28th of September (and then once again next weekend- Oct 2nd through 4th). They are both being held at the
Nacka Strandsmässan (congress center)
located just outside the city center.
Source: Stockolms Öl & Vin AB. Photo: Örs Gubas |
The easiest way to get there from the
Rival Hotel is by bus 71 or 443 from nearby Slussen (approximately a 15 minute bus ride). The entrance fee (250 SEK) gets you into both festivals.
Click here for specific opening hours, ticket information as well as directions. These festivals are very popular with tens of thousands attending every year. At the festivals you will find tastings, classes, exhibitors, competitions, restaurants and bars. Please note that you need to be at least 20 years of age to enter the festival grounds.
The third festival is called
Taste of Stockholm. This festival runs from the 26th through 28th of September and is dedicated to the gastronomic world of fine dining. They describe themselves as "foodie heaven"! At the festival you can try the signature dishes of some of Stockholm's best restaurants as well as visit their farmers' market and see different exhibitions. Two program points not to be missed are the Electrolux Taste Theatre and Chef's Secrets. At the Theatre you can enjoy presentations from both Swedish and international chefs where they will either be preparing signature dishes or challenging themselves by preparing dishes with ingredients from a "mystery box". The Chef's Secrets are your opportunity to prepare a dish alongside a top chef. A unique experience!
More information. The festival will take place in Wasahallen,
located on the island of Djurgården right next to the
Museum of Spirits. The easiest way to get to the festival from the Rival Hotel is with the
Djurgårds Ferry. For more information on tickets, program and hours...
click here!