Stockholm's Best Chefs & Restaurants... According to Other Chefs!

Posted by zlatin on

Pubologi, photo by Nicho Södling, Stockholm Visitors Board. 
Spring is usually when most restaurant guides are published and awards are presented. However, there is one interesting award presented in the Autumn: Kockarnas Kock ("Chef's Chef"). This is a list of Sweden's best chefs and restaurants chosen by the country's 100 best chefs and organized by the magazine Restaurangvärlden ("the World of Restaurants"). The fact that the jury is made up of chefs in the know makes it of special interest to those with culinary interests. Here is how Stockholm chefs and restaurants fared in the top 20 in Sweden for 2014:

Best Chefs (this year's rank, name, restaurant, last year's rank in parentheses)

1. Sayan Isaksson, Esperanto (4).
2. Mathias Dahlgren, Mathias Dahlgren (2).
4. Björn Frantzén, Restaurant Frantzén (1).
5. Magnus Ek, Oaxen Krog & Slip (5).
8. Mikael Einarsson, Djuret & Pubologi (8).
9. Jacob Holmström, Gastrologik (9).
10. Adam Dahlberg, Adam & Albin Matstudio (18).
11. Tom Sjöstedt, Lilla Ego (new).
12. Paul Svensson, freelance (11).
14. Johan Jureskog, AG & Rolfs Kök (12).
15. Stefan Ekengren, Görvälns Slott (new).
16. Claes Grännsjö, freelance (10).
18. Albin Wessman, Adam & Albin Matstudio (20).
20. Gustav Otterberg, Ekstedt (19).

Best Restaurants (this year's rank, restaurant, last year's rank in parentheses)

2. Restaurant Frantzén (1).
3. Esperanto (4).
5. Mathias Dahlgren Matbaren (5).
6. Oaxen Krog (new).
7. Mathias Dahlgren Matsalen (2).
8. Lilla Ego (new).
9. Ekstedt (6).
11. Nook (new).
12. Restaurang AG (9).
14. Chez Betty (16).
15. Speceriet (new).
16. Gastrologik (8).
17. Oaxen Slip (new).
18. Operakällaren (12).
19. Råkultur (11).
20. Spritmuseum (new).

I didn't list the restaurants and chefs from other parts of Sweden... but I should definitely mention that the #1 restaurant in Sweden, according to the chefs, is Fäviken Magasinet in Järpen. I would love to visit it some day! Click here for the full list (including restaurants outside of Stockholm). And click here if you want to see other recent guides and awards.

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